Therapy Agreement

Therapy Agreement

Therapy Agreement

This is an agreement between Michael Conti and the client as indicated below.

1. Storage of personal data

Michael Conti keeps the minimal amount of information about you in order to deliver our services in an ethical and legal manner. All information about you is stored securely electronically or in a locked physical location. Any notes about the work we are doing together is stored separately in anonymised form. Some of your details are stored on software platforms that are used for us to be able to deliver our services (e.g. email, invoicing software, calendars) and they also have data processing agreements. We will do our utmost to ensure that the platforms we use are secure. However, Michael Conti is not responsible for any breach in data processing by such platforms.

2. Accessing your data

You can access your data by sending a written request to Michael Conti. If you disagree with the content of the notes, a discussion will be held regarding the changes and, if agreed, Michael Conti will change these upon receipt of a written request to do so. If an agreement is not reached regarding the change (e.g. you request false information to be included), you will need to request Michael Conti to delete your records (point 3).

3. Deletion of data

Any email correspondence is deleted immediately after it no longer serves the purpose (e.g. rescheduling of appointments) or after our work together is concluded. Personal notes are kept for 5 years from the end of the quarter (March, June, September, December) when our work together ends, after which all digital or physical records are destroyed securely. Financial record-keeping will be deleted according to German legal requirements (currently 10 years).

If you wish for your personal information to be deleted before the end of the abovementioned 5 years, a written request needs to be submitted to Michael Conti.

Hardcopies of any written requests or consent forms, including this form, are held securely for 10 years.

4. Communication

Communication regarding the setting up of appointments will be conducted via e-mail or text-messages. These will be deleted after the scheduled appointment.

Online sessions will be held using a secure video-conferencing platform.

5. Confidentiality

Everything disclosed during our work together is treated confidentially and Michael Conti does not disclose personal information to third parties unless ordered to by the Court. You can require personal information to be passed on to a third party upon written request addressed to Michael Conti.

In case of criminal activity or reasonable risk of serious harm to self or others, Michael Conti may choose, or have, to breach confidentiality. In case of risk of harm, the usual contact person is the emergency contact provided by yourself. Whenever possible, Michael Conti will only involve others after having had a discussion with you.

Except for your personal details, dates of appointments and financial documents, Michael Conti does not communicate any personally sensitive material via e-mail or text messages. Michael Conti is not responsible for any personal information you choose to disclose over e-mail or text messages.

Material that comes up in our work together can, at times, be discussed confidentially with a supervisor or mentor who are also bound to confidentiality. The aim of this is to ensure the best professional quality of the service being provided. This is standard ethical and professional practice and your anonymity is maintained throughout.

6. Cancellation of sessions

If you need to cancel a session that we scheduled, it is important to inform us at least 48 hours before the beginning of the session, unless it’s a medical situation. Please understand that late cancellation results in the spot being held for you and would need to be paid in full.

7. Complaints

If you feel that you have been treated unethically by Michael Conti, you are free to complain to a professional body we are a member of. More information can be found on the Imprint page:

I have read and agree with the above agreement.